Christian Gift Department

Christian Gifts and Art at for every occasion. Religious and inspirational gifts will be greatly appreciated and will serve as a blessing to those who receive them.
Browse our product offerings for framed wall art, decorative wall accessories, table top plaques and crosses. We offer
Christian gift baskets for special occasions which are delivered with gift cards. Shop for
Christian wall hangings, home and wall decor,
picture frames, inspirational figurines and
religious tapestry items.LordsArt also features a
Catholic gift item section, beautiful jewelry collections from
Psalm 23 Jewelry,
Deborah J. Birdoes, Quality Gold and Stuller Jewelry as well as gift selections for
Pastors and
Teachers.Search LordsArt for
Christian Apparel, Encouragement gifts, Inspirational & Personalized Candles and Scripture Tableware, and
Christian vinyl wall art. LordsArt also carries laser etched Crystal Sculptures and hydrostone pewter
Christian Themed Sculptures by some of today's most world renown sculptors.
Find the perfect gift that will be remembered and treasured forever at
How often we have heard the expression "actions speak louder than words". This also applies in Christianity, we are Christ's ambassadors, and we need to both "talk and walk" the love walk. Whether it is a note, a gift, offering babysitting services, or baking a cake, we need to show people in need that Jesus' love is real, and that He loves them.
Christian gifts are a way to bless others, as well as witness to them of the powerful love of Jesus. Sometimes our gifts take the form of a smile, hug, card, other times, it may be a
Christian art piece, or other Christian gift item. Whatever it is, ask God to show you how to be a blessing to others, and remember, the next time you start to say "I will pray for you", ask God what else He wants you to do to be a blessing to that person...
Inspirational Jewelry makes the Perfect Christian Gift!Copyright Information
All of the art, products, text and images featured on this Christian art website are protected under domestic and/or international copyrights and the usage of these items and images are prohibited unless permission is granted by the artist or author in writing.
DisclaimerPrices and availability are subject to change without notice.
Some photos are enlarged to show details.